Does My Business Really Need A CFO (Fractional Or Otherwise)?

Headshot image of author James Wheeler
By James Wheeler
September 10, 2024

I spent several years of my career serving as a fractional CFO for businesses not yet ready to hire an internal chief financial officer. Many of our customers at were referred to us by independent fractional CFOs. Other customers are full-time CFOs who brought us in for extra support. So you might expect me to answer the headline question, Does my business need a CFO?, with a resounding Yes. In truth – it’s much more complicated than a simple yes or no.

What Is A Fractional CFO?

A fractional CFO, or fCFO, is an experienced financial executive who can provide high-level strategic support on a part-time basis. They’re an excellent stop-gap for businesses looking for expertise on a specific project, or even just a few hours of consulting a month. But just like a full-time CFO, fractional CFOs need access to accurate data to be effective.

I don’t care how large or small your organization is: Your business is only as viable as your data. It is impossible to make informed decisions without having accurate information. Much like AI models, the different insights or strategies that a fractional CEO can bring is dependent on the health of your data. The good news is that most of the data needed can be curated internally. The bad news – for some – is that means your data is only as strong as your internal accounting processes.

Accounting Accountability, Or Lack Thereof…

This is where I often tell clients that they’re not ready to hire a fractional CFO. They need the discipline of a strong accounting team instead. In my years working as an fCFO, it became abundantly clear to me that most businesses with a $2M-$30M annual operating budget do not have an accurate picture of their financials, and there was a significant amount of basic work needed to get there. And I saw a lot of these businesses were turning to fractional CFOs – and therefore overpaying – for the completion of accounting tasks such as troubleshooting journal entries, establishing separation of duties, or overseeing bookkeepers.

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Sure, good fCFOs may be qualified to take on those tasks. But that’s not what they’re best at, it’s not the best use of their time or expertise, and it certainly isn’t giving the businesses hiring them a lot of bang for their hard-earned bucks. This realization is what led me to establish I saw a gap in the marketplace for the kind of crucial accounting support needed to set a CFO up for success. You’ll get the most value from a CFO if you can leverage their strengths by presenting them with complete, accurate, and timely financials from a scalable accounting team, like the fractional teams we offer.

By helping you to understand and streamline your financials, we’ll build a more complete picture of the economic wellness of your business. This will enable you to:

  • Make critical decisions about pricing, products, clients, projects, services, and locations
  • Save time and focus on growing your business
  • Protect your business from theft and fraud
  • Avoid potential embarrassment with key stakeholders
  • Engage in life-changing capital transactions

Once you have established this important foundation of financial data, you will have the information you need to make responsible, big-picture decisions.

Growing With Your Business

As we help to improve your internal accounting processes, can evolve with your business. When you are ready, we can match you with an expert fractional CFO to provide strategic and forward-looking analysis. This will ensure your financial systems are healthy and ready to withstand your plans to scale, and the risks and growing pains that come with it. We can advise you on building an internal team once you have outgrown the need for our fractional services – or even support your advisory team in your successful exit.

Going back to the original question: Does my business really need a CFO (fractional or otherwise)? My answer is that I don’t know yet! What I do know is that this is something we can figure out together. With, you will get honest, right-sized advice that makes the most sense for your business needs.

Want to keep the conversation going? Set up a complimentary call with one of our experts today.

Headshot image of author James Wheeler

James Wheeler

James Wheeler has 15 years executive financial leadership experience in service and technology companies. He was a San Diego Business Journal CFO of the Year finalist in 2019. James was the recipient of multiple graduate fellowships at the University of California, San Diego, where he earned a BA in economics and an MBA, before complementing that with executive education at MIT Sloan. He has held several nonprofit and for-profit directorships and committee positions over the past 10 years.


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